Proactive Side Project
You’ve found a new entry level job. Your heart beats faster. This role seems perfect for you. You’re a team player, a go-getter, someone just starting out on their journey and all you need is…12 years of experience.
We’ve all felt that when we joined the workforce. Out facing the world, diploma in hand, and woefully “inexperienced”.
And we aim to change that.
With “My First Internship”, we knew we had to start young. Like, really young. Say 6 years-old.
We give the business leaders of the future the chance to pull ahead of the competition.
Through an internship at the totally real and not made up at all Big Business Company, kids will learn vital skills such as time management (reading clocks), networking (practicing different handshakes), and getting coffee (completing a maze).
With this internship in hand kids will be prepared for whatever the business world can throw at them.
My role: Concepting, Writer